I am a proud Samoan-Pilipina (Ilocana), eldest daughter, spiritual director, personal trainer, mami, partner & teacher. I provide trauma-sensitive spiritual and movement care that centers historically oppressed and marginalized communities.

Spiritual Direction

Within the context of one-on-one sessions & group facilitation, I accompany seekers by listening and holding sacred space for them to be present, process, reflect, or deepen their spiritual life. I integrate embodied practices to support meaning-making & exploration.

Personal Training

I meet clients where they are at in their relationship to exercise, life season, & body journey to co-create a sustainable movement plan. I leave space for shifts & changes life may bring. I utilize resistance training with kettlebells or dumbbells, body weight flows, & exercise bands. But I am open to explore with clients as long as its within my scope of practice. I am a life-long learner and will expand to provide other modalities in time.

Education & Experience

I am a graduate of Still Harbor Spiritual Direction Practicum Program, hold a Masters in Teaching and a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer. In addition to my practice I am part of Liberated Together Spiritual Direction School’s Teaching Team and facilitate group spiritual direction at Emory University Candler.

“In collectivist cultures, our elders told us long ago that we carry the stories of our communities in our bodies.”

-Cindy S. Lee